Sunday 24 June 2012

Final video

this experient took me lots of time and energy and numbers of sleepless nights, but im pretty happy with my model and video clip. background music matching the movement.please watch it in HD, and enjoy it.
background music: theme music of Halo
flow graph

cryengine environment with elevators and dinning table

since we are designing headquarters, the first thing comes to my mind is the size of my model has to be big, big enough to give people a sense of pressure, to make people feel the power.

this is my favorite image captured on a bridge
image taken from elevator

                                                      T2 interactive software headquarter
this is the headquarter i designed for take two interactive software,and i got my inspiration from games, i tended to design something more unrealistic more futuristic. and by my understanding of the power of T2 is how their games can shape people's thoughts, the shape of my bridge also reflect their own design concept.

looking  from this angle, the headquarter of facebook looks like a giant spider crawling towards to T2 headquarter spining.

facebook headquarter
facebook is one of the biggest social network community, the power of facebook is connection, is how it can connect every corner of internet, how it can drag everyone closer, how it can gather everything together. as such, the idea of "interconnectedness"is the concept of my model.

 the headquarter of facebook looks like a giant spider, reflecting the power of connection, implying facebook spreading web all over the internet.

dinning table
the dinning table is placed in the middle of the two buildings, is designed in a furturastic shape, their huge headquarters hanging up at the back, implying their powers


This is my previous google sketchup models, but i could not export them into my Cryengine environment, and the file has crashed which means that i could not export models from it.which left me no choice but redo a new one.

The image above is my design process sketch.

The developed models

Take two interactive software headquarter

 Facebook Headquarter

Dinning Table

facebook elevator

T2 elevator

T2 elevator

Draft Cryengine environment

Peer Review

2 points and 1 point perspective drawings

Two Points Perspective Drawings

One Point Perspective Drawings